Friday, December 24, 2010

Skorpa- Swedish Toast

The Christmas season just isn't complete without some Skorpa. Growing up, my mom always made it and she would make tons! Most of it would be given away to family and friends and teachers, but she made sure there was always enough left over for us. To this day, I can always count on her to bring Skorpa over for Christmas. Well, this year, I decided to make it myself. I had a hard time with this. I mean, its just one of these things that mom makes and thats the tradition. But,  my girls have been begging for it, so I decided to go ahead and try it out. So easy.
What is Skorpa anyway? Its a swedish toast that traditionally is served to dunk in your coffee. Kind of like biscotti, but so much better.

2 cups sugar
1 cup butter
2 eggs
1 cup milk
2 tsp cardamom
3 tsp baking powder
4 cups flour
In a medium bowl, cream together softened butter and sugar. Add eggs, milk, and the rest of the ingrediants. Spread on to a greased cookie sheet. Sprinkle with cinnamon sugar. Bake in 350 dgree oven for 20-25 minutes.
Remove from oven and turn down to 275 degrees.
Cut into 1x3 inch strips. I cut 4 rows long and then made about 1 inch slices across. Turn them on their sides (you will need an extra cookie sheet for this) Sprinkle with more cinnamon sugar and put in the oven to "dry out" for 1-2 hours, depending on how crunchy and crispy you like it. Me? Since I don't drink coffee and wont be dunking it, I like it a little softer, but still crunchy. So, I keep it in there just a little over an hour. But, if you will be dunking...keep it in longer so that it doesnt fall apart in your drink!
It is also just perfect spread with a little bit of butter and enjoyed on its own for breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert, or snack!!!

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Pictures this year? Sounds yummy!