Thursday, January 19, 2012

Going Gluten Free

Its true...I have gone gluten free...and feel amazing. Short/long story. I had been sick for a few years, just thought it was a side effect of having gall bladder removed. A friend found out she was gluten sensitive, found out her symptoms, went to the doctor, found out I indeed have Celiac disease. It is an auto-immune disease, which basically,in short, my body sees gluten and turns around and destroys itself. Since going off of it, I have energy, I can eat without getting sick, I have no more daily headaches...and the list goes on. Amazing.
So, with that, I have added labels to my past recipes that are gluten free, in case you are here searching for a gluten free recipe yourself. I also will be posting more GF recipes. Being that I am in school full time right now for nursing, I do not have much time. But, when I can, I will!
Happy eating. And, if you have GF stories you want to share...I would love to hear them!

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Boooo about celiacs disease! But ya for gluten free!